Water Bottle – Light Grey
Opt for comfort with this elegant water bottle in a light grey shade. Combatti il freddo in modo efficace con questa bottiglia d’acqua in un colore grigio chiaro rilassante. Fornisce comfort senza eguali diffondendo calore confortante in tutto il corpo. Say goodbye to cold extremities and the chilling sensation that affects your overall well-being.
Ultimate Comfort
Sperimenta la promessa di notti delicate e momenti rilassanti con questa bottiglia d’acqua grigio chiaro. Si rivela un formidabile alleato nell’alleviare il dolore addominale, il dolore articolare, i crampi o semplicemente dissipare l’affaticamento muscolare. Heated and applied with care, this hot water bottle acts as a catalyst for well-being, promoting optimized blood circulation and providing immediate comfort to areas such as hands, feet, back, or abdomen.
Flexible Usage
With its woolen cover, heat is preciously retained, allowing up to 6 hours of continuous use. The water bottle’s capacity also contributes to the heat retention duration. Versatility is the key for this water bottle, which, when placed in the freezer, transforms into a cold compress, or when heated in the microwave for 1 to 2 minutes, becomes a source of heat. For immediate use, simply fill it with hot water.
Specifiche tecniche
- Easy-to-use water bottle with superior comfort
- Waterproof and robust design resistant to pressure and temperature
- Double-layer flexible PVC water reservoir for increased durability
- Screw cap for total watertight seal to prevent leaks
- Non-slip woolen cover adorned with striped patterns for added style
Get relief from cold hands with this practical hot water bottle. Unique product properties: Water bottle with easy-to-use and superior comfort. Waterproof and robust design, designed to resist pressure and temperature. Water reservoir made of flexible double-layer PVC for increased durability. Screw cap for a watertight seal to prevent leaks. Non-slip woolen cover with striped patterns for added style. Easy to wash, simply remove the bottle from the cover. Due volumi disponibili: 1L o 2L di capacità per soddisfare le tue esigenze. Utili multipli: impacco caldo ideale per lenitive aree mirate del corpo e alleviare il dolore. Cold compress version for refreshing effects on inflamed muscle or tendon areas.